Rumors do not want 'April Fool' this year; Otherwise… Home Minister's stern warning

Currently, there is a coronary crisis in Maharashtra and the country. Thus, spreading false messages can have adverse effects on the society.


Today, 31st March and tomorrow 1st April, the day of 'April Fool', all the people are sending fun 'April Fool' messages to their friends. But right now, Maharashtra and the country have a crisis of corona Therefore, Home Minister Anil Deshmukh has warned of harsh action against the concerned if false messages and rumors are spread.
Deshmukh said, But as you know, today the entire country is struggling with Maharashtra. So do not spread false messages or rumors that the atmosphere will deteriorate at this time. In this way, anyone who tries to spread the rumor or try to degrade the environment will be prosecuted under cybercrime. Therefore, we urge all to cooperate with the government.
In the current social media age, people are simply forwarding it without verifying any information. However, this can lead to rumors everywhere and the situation may worsen. April 8 is the day observed throughout the world as fooling people. So many people simply send fake messages to fool their friends.However, in the present tense situation, such messages can spread rapidly and have the opposite effect. Therefore, the police have advised against such rumors and warned those who spread the rumor.

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